
  • Thursday, 18 Aug, 2022,
  • by @WatchDogRacing

‘Billy’ – a Waterloo Cup ‘hero’

We all would ‘love to have a beer with Duncan’ if his coursing champ All Inn Billy ultimately makes it back-to-back Waterloo Cup wins.

Tony Duncan’s ‘our (coursing) mate’!

But the cruel reality is the Harston-based stalwart only has around 3-4 months to live. He’s been battling bowel cancer, which has now spread to his lungs.

“I’m really having trouble with my breathing,” a stoic Duncan, 61, said.

However, All Inn Billy – indeed, all his greyhounds – keep giving him strength.

And that’s how and why he’ll drive the near-300km trip to Lang Lang on Sunday as All Inn Billy commences his campaign for the 149th Waterloo Cup.

But he’ll leave the handling of his star to Shae Van Taarling. (Shae will also handle his other Waterloo Cup aspirants – All Inn Dungee and All Inn Ryder.)

“After his first run, he has a drink and just goes to sleep in the car before the next race.”

All Inn Billy has fully recovered from a cracked hock he sustained around six months ago.

In fact, Duncan says “he’s going as well as last year” – an ominous message to his rivals.

“It’ll be tough to win, but it would be an unbelievable feeling to take the Waterloo Cup home again. We’ll be in there having a red-hot go.”

Duncan adds the simple secret to All Inn Billy’s champion courser status is he “loves the straight”.

“He’s good out of the slips, and the last 50 metres is where he really gets into it. And he’s got great stamina and excellent recovery.”

All Inn Billy also has a relaxed attitude to racing, which is a great asset for coursing given a greyhound may line up for 2-3 runs at a meeting.

“After his first run, obviously given that he wins, he has a drink and just goes to sleep in the car before the next race. It takes him a bit to wind up, so he’s better in the latter stages of a meeting.”

However, when at home, All Inn Billy is every bit the antithesis to his cool demeanour at the track.

“He drives us insane; he just wants to go. He goes right off if he’s left behind when we go trialling – he’s a real character.”

A long-time coursing devotee, Duncan has an everlasting passion for a sport he dearly loves.

“It’s two dogs together… I just love watching them. And it’s a good day out as the people connected with coursing are fantastic!”

The coursing fraternity has been extremely supportive of Duncan throughout his battle with cancer.

So, there won’t be a ‘dry eye in the house’ at Lang Lang if All Inn Billy becomes a hero for the second successive year in coursing’s ‘Holy Grail’.

And you don’t need me to tell you, the $15,000 first prize for winning the Waterloo Cup will be inconsequential because the ‘atmosphere will be great’!

Pawnote: The Waterloo Cup prelims are chock-full of crackerjack coursers, including Kasemi and Rothwell Chunk, plus a circle ‘wildcard’ – G1 Brisbane Cup finalist, Big Opal Rocks.  

WATCH: ALL INN BILLY (Tony Duncan) defeats KASEMI (Kristie Collyer) in the 2021 Waterloo Cup at Longwood.



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