More than 60 members of the industry turned out to a consultation session on proposed new track designs at the Traralgon Greyhound Racing Club last night.
GRV Director of Safe Racing, Scott Robins, was joined by the Club President Don Haley and Manager Steve Clarke, along with track design experts David Eager and David Allan, for the night’s consultation.
A presentation including 3D images of the two proposals – a J and a U Track- explained the intracies of the designs as well as the pros and cons of each track.
Following questions from those gathered overwhelming support was given to the U track proposal.
Mr Robins said he was delighted with the night’s turn out and the depth of the questions.
“We are all in this together and we want to build the safest and best track we can and we need everyone’s support to make this happen.
“GRV is very grateful for the time our participants have put in to let us know their thoughts and their feedback has been tremendous”, he said.
Mr Robins added that consultation is open until the end of next week.
The Board will make a decision on the track design at the July meeting.
Demolition of the current track will commence shortly.