
Minimum Bet Limit Complaint Form

Minimum Bet Limit Complaint Form

Customers who believe that a wagering operator has wrongfully refused their bet or excluded them in contravention of GRV’s Minimum Bet Limit policy must first contact the wagering operator to ascertain the reason for the refusal or exclusion. If the customer remains unsatisfied with the reason provided by the wagering operator, they can lodge a formal complaint and details of the bet with GRV via this online form within 14 days of the refused bet. GRV cannot accept your complaint if all the details below are not completed in full.

We will contact you within 7 business days to acknowledge receipt of your complaint.

For details of GRV’s Minimum Bet Liability Limit Policy.

* = Required

1.Personal Information

Please complete this field.
Please complete this field.

2.Betting Account Details

Please complete this field.
Please complete this field.

3. Nature of Complaint

Please select item to complete this field.

4. Bet Details (complete if your complaint relates to a refusal to accept a fixed odds bet)

5. Acknowledgements & Agreement

Section 1 : I make the following acknowledgements to support my minimum bet limit complaint against an Approved WSP:
Section 2: The WSP has not previously refused to accept a Relevant Fixed Odds Bet from me, establish an account, or place restrictions on me due to:
I acknowledge and agree that: